Last updated: 1 May 2023

In this short article, we’re going to cover off what is probably one of the most controversial topics I ever come across when I’m doing any building. That’s which way should the decking boards go up on your deck? And this is one of those topics that causes all sorts of arguments.
Decking timber used to come smooth on both sides around 20 years ago, and this wasn’t a problem. However, these days, timber is often smooth on one side and fluted on the other, which can pose issues for certain decking projects. It’s important to be aware of this difference when selecting and installing decking timber.
On one side is fluted and the other side smooth. So the question is when you’re putting a deck down which way does it go.
The reason that manufacturers started to put flutes on the side was not for slip resistance which most people think is for. It was actually for just to allow water to escape from underneath the deck.

The timber the joist timber has little flutes and grooves in it as well the back of the deck. So when the two go together what you end up with is a little air gap underneath.
And that air gap allows water to escape from underneath the deck and hence it reduces the water sitting there. It extends the life of your deck this way.
Nowadays a lot of people do it the other way around because they think this then is a non-slip surface and makes it safer as a deck. That’s really not what it’s intended for.
But Who am I to argue with which way you put your decking boards down. At the end of the day is entirely up to you which way you go. Just make sure you specify it with your builder before they put the deck boards down.
Also Read: How To Build a Perfect Deck?
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