Last updated: 30 Apr 2023
A Murphy bed is an excellent option for those living in small apartments as it is a space-saving solution. When not in use, the bed can be stored vertically against the wall, and when needed, it can easily be pulled down to sleep on. This provides extra space during the day, which can be utilized for other activities.
It is also a good addition to the home if you like to have guests sleep over once in a while. If you intend on building your own Murphy bed, then there are a couple of things that you have to consider from the get-go so that you can successfully pull it off. You are going to need very reliable plans for Murphy bed projects and these will all hinge on your considerations.
Things to consider when picking out plans for Murphy bed
Type of Murphy bed you need
Murphy beds are designed to maximize space in your home, but there are different types of beds available. Some beds fold down from the top, while others fold down from the side. The type of bed you choose will depend on the dimensions of the wall where you want to install it.

The Murphy beds that fold from the top-down require a wall that is not too wide. They will be fitted onto the wall with the head to the wall. The type that folds from the side down will require more wall space than the former as their length is to the wall.
Once you have considered the above two pointers, the next thing that you have to decide is the actual size of the bed you need. Will you require a twin, full or will you go for the queen size?
All of the above have to be considered because, in the end, they will determine the type of hardware you are going to need for the bed’s lowering and lifting mechanisms.
The safety of the bed
The plans for Murphy bed projects have to be more than reliable when it comes to your safety. First and foremost, the plans should explicitly outline the types of materials that you are going to need for the frame. These materials must respect the kind of weight you expect to put on the bed for years to come. Make sure the plans tell you what materials will be good for what weight and style of the bed you have chosen.
The next thing that is of uttermost importance when it comes to how safe the bed is will be the mechanism that you pick. The mechanism should hold the bed when it is up on the wall. You do not need the bed to come crashing down at you. The opposite applies as well.
You do not need the bed to spring back up while you sleep on it. You would be caught between a rock and a hard place. The mechanism should also not hurt you while you raise or lower from the wall. It must be smooth enough to raise and lower without too much effort but it should not harm you.
Style of the bed
Design is subjective and varies according to individual preferences. Therefore, when planning a Murphy bed project, it is important to take your personal needs and style into consideration. When it comes to the design of the bed, it is important to consider both the bed’s appearance when it is down and how it looks when it is folded up.
Space is an issue if you have opted to get a Murphy bed; you, therefore, need to use the design to creatively optimize the things that can help you out with space. This can be a design that lets the bed serve as a shelf, a desk, or even a bookcase.
You can also count on the bed’s decorative features to help soup up your room. You also have to make sure that the plans you choose leave some leeway for customization with a few ideas provided that you can improve on.
Easy to understand plans
Building a Murphy bed is a difficult project especially if you are a first-timer. You, therefore, need to make sure that you choose a plan that will be very easy for you to understand. The instructions should be very straightforward to avoid frustration. The plan should also outline a few different techniques that you can use to achieve the same results
Go for patented plans
There are numerous Murphy bed plans available online, but it’s important to ensure that you choose patented plans that are guaranteed to work. You can obtain these plans from the manufacturer of the bed mechanism you intend to use, although they may be sold at a cost. Investing in these plans is worthwhile, as opposed to relying on free plans that may be unreliable. Additionally, purchasing patented plans provides access to customer service for assistance with any questions or concerns you may have while building your Murphy bed.
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